How does Main Stream Media #SanitizeIslam? With deflection and omission.

Let’s take a look at the reports about two incidents involving Muslims and their interaction with others in the community.

First, Faisal Hussain.

The first information we received following the release of Faisal Hussain’s name was a statement from the family that was made by family spokesperson, Mohammed Hashim, the “spin doctor behind the Hussain family statement,according to Toronto Sun’s Anthony Furey. Who is this person? What is his relationship with the family, and in particular with Faisal?

The Toronto Star, as with most of MSM, immediately accepted the mental illness excuse that was provided in beautiful prose.

Then according to the CBC “A representative of the Masjid Dar-us Salaam mosque, where Hussain’s father sometimes prays, said the first thing that came to his mind when the shooter was identified was “backlash”…”Because he’s a Muslim… people will just attach religion to it and condemn the whole religion and condemn all Muslims,” said Ilyas Mullah.

Mullah says the shooting underscores a serious need for better education around mental health in society. The Canadian Council of Imams echoed that sentiment in a statement Tuesday: “While we await the full investigation by the Toronto Police Services, this is certainly a cause for all of us to make mental health a priority in our communities to help avoid terrible tragedies like this from ever happening again.”

Here is a prayer recited at that Masjid Darus Salaam.

O Allah! Annihilate [destroy] them as you annihilated [destroyed] Aad and Thamud [ancient peoples annihilated by Allah because they didn’t heed the warnings of the prophets].

O Allah! Count their number, slay [kill] them one by one and make them a lesson to their likenesses

O Allah! We will let you in their throats and we seek refuge in you from their evils

Oh Allah, Revealer of The Book, Controller and Dominator of the clouds, Defeater of Al-Ahzab [clans of infidels, enemies of Islam]

Oh Allah, Defeat them and make the ground shake beneath their feet, and show us in them the wonders of Your Might, for they are weak before You, O Mighty, O Powerful.

Okay. We have heard from Muslim organizations and a family spokesperson pointing us away from terrorism toward mental illness.  But what about follow-up? Where are the police reports of calls to the house from the mother or father that they needed help with their severely mentally ill child with psychosis? Is this not the usual follow up? And what about a call to Hussain’s psychiatrist?  He had a psychiatrist, didn’t he? He must have or how would the family know the diagnosis of severe mentally ill with psychosis and the fact that drugs failed him. Which drugs? How many drugs? The psychiatrist does not have to give all information but surely an ethical journalist would look for that doctor because otherwise the only proof we have of Faisal’s mental illness is the statement by an alleged family spokesperson-who has not shared his medical background.

“We are at a terrible loss for words but we must speak out to express our deepest condolences to the families who are now suffering on account of our son’s horrific actions.

“We are utterly devastated by the incomprehensible news that our son was responsible for the senseless violence and loss of life that took place on the Danforth.

“Our son had severe mental health challenges, struggling with psychosis and depression his entire life. The interventions of professionals were unsuccessful. Medications and therapy were unable to treat him. While we did our best to seek help for him throughout his life of struggle and pain, we could never imagine that this would be his devastating and destructive end.

“Our hearts are in pieces for the victims and for our city as we all come to grips with this terrible tragedy. We will mourn those who were lost for the rest of our lives.”

Think about the missing information and the media not looking for it with the same diligence as verifying a terrorist attack. Think about that deflection to mental illness.

Now, let me take you back to the Toronto Star and the four page story about Imam Ayman Elkaswary. The  Toronto Star’s, Jennifer Yang  wrote an expose trying to explain the Imam’s use of what appears to be an anti-Semitic prayer.   I have sent many media inquiries to the Toronto Star regarding errors on facts and the omission of facts and have received profound silence. It seems the so-called experts were not given all the pertinent information to assess whether or not the prayer the Imam shared was anti-Semitic, as stated in the article. They were also told that the Imam has no hard feelings toward the Jews. The reader was told that none of the experts knew Elkasrawy. Not true.  At least one of the experts was told that “he [Ayman Elkasrawy] never meant to cause offence to Jews.” Another expert has been serving as an imam at Masjid Toronto alongside Elkasrawy.

If the reporter were ethical and if the Star were ethical would they not check the Imam’s social media postings? They would have discovered all by themselves that this Imam shared antisemitic memes, sympathized with Hamas/ al-Qassam Brigades and the Muslim Brotherhood; and opposed the use of a Turkish airbase by the US air-force to attack ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq. His social media posts are relevant to understand his state of mind when he shared the prayers.

At the same time, the Toronto Star attacked the reputations of three renowned  experts; Lt Col (Ret) Jonathan Halevi, Dr. Mordechai Kedar, and B’nai Brith CEO Michael Mostyn. Why would the Toronto Star choose to denigrate these three  experts?  It appears the Toronto Star wanted the Imam to be cleansed, or sanitized, of any connection to Jew-hatred. Why? You will have to ask them.

And then, perhaps, you can ask why they did not investigate the alleged mental illness of Faisal Hussain, whose brother has been connected to guns and drugs: the kind that could wipe out tens pf thousands of people in Canada.

Could it be that MSM has a desire to #SanitizeIslam?  Is this the result of Motion 103 in Canada?


From the Ethics of the Fathers: “Rabbi Tarfon used to say, it is not incumbent upon you to complete the task, but you are not exempt from undertaking it.”