Jul 31, 2019 | News, Politics
Seems Canada has de facto endorsed BDS unless Prime Minster Justin Trudeau pushes back against the court. Justice Anne Mactavish wrote: Identifying settlement wines incorrectly as “Products of Israel” inhibits the ability of such individuals to express their...
Jun 25, 2019 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
The late George Jonas wrote: “Don’t let Western civilization—the best and most humane form of civilization developed by mankind—perish by default.” On June 22, 2019 concerned citizens from PEGIDA Canada gathered to call for rights for gay people in Islam....
May 20, 2019 | Ethics, Politics, Religion / Spirituality
The state of Alabama has passed the most restrictive laws against abortion in America. Many states are now passing laws that restrict unfettered abortion which evolved from Roe v Wade. Mississippi, Georgia, Kentucky and Ohio have also passed so-called...
May 19, 2019 | Ethics, Religion / Spirituality
My talk at Adas Israel in Hamilton, sponsored by Never Again Hamilton was not recorded. I was asked to share my talk. I am going to talk about the relationship Muslims and Jews have toward Progressives. Many Christians behave like the Jews. The idea for this...