Jul 27, 2018 | Mental Health, News
What is the equivalent word for “Islamophobic” when irrationally attacking the mentally ill? It’s safer to sacrifice the mentally ill on the altar of truth than even suggest the possibility of a terror attack and be labeled an Islamophobe. A man takes a gun and...
Jun 20, 2018 | Ethics, Politics
This is about the Yazidis. You are forgiven if you know little to nothing. The UN has been too busy attacking Israel to spend time saving the Yazidis from the murderous hands of ISIS. The Yazidis had been denounced as infidels by Al-Qaida in Iraq, a predecessor of...
May 3, 2018 | Ethics, Mental Health
It was Marshall McLuhan who wrote the Medium is the Message. Love to hear what he would say today about the easy abuse of social media by mean girls-young and old. McLuhan wrote in 1967 that we live in a complex system of information, physically,...