Feb 11, 2022 | Ethics, Politics
Why was Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, not thrown out on his behind after he attacked Canadian citizens? His evil words were heard around the world: “Do we tolerate the unvaccinated?” What? He has given permission to those who are fearful of a virus...
Jan 30, 2022 | Ethics, News
There is a grand 45 mile long convoy of truckers crossing Canada to Ottawa to protest the attack on our collective freedoms. Some in the media call it a so-called “freedom-convoy.” Whatever that means. WATCH They are STANDING on guard for thee. They want...
Jan 23, 2022 | Mental Health
Covid has done a wonderful job of scaring people. Mental illness is on the rise. I have a mental illness and I have reached a point of falling into the abyss of my depression. These past two years, now into the third, have impacted my illness. I see myself...