Enough with the Jewsplainin’

Enough with the Jewsplainin’ We, the Jewish people are the Light Unto the Nations. We bend the knee to no one. We gave the world the ethic of freedom, without which we all would be serfs serving a pharaoh. I don’t know about you, but I have had enough Jewsplainin’....

The WEF: World Economic Forum Versus Western Culture

  We are in a war. And it is not with Russia. It is a far more serious war. It is the World Economic Forum versus Western Culture. It’s past time that we all learn about the WEF and the people behind it. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Klaus Schwab,...

Ukraine’s Sunflower of Peace

    The sunflower (Helianthus), called “sunyashnikiis” in Ukrainian, is the national flower of Ukraine. The bright yellow blooms are an integral part of its culture, heritage, and even its economy. Sunflowers were first imported from North America to Ukraine...

Covid: Two years later

  I wrote my first article about Covid in March 2020. I am sharing it again. Here are some facts to keep in mind as you read it. Reported Covid deaths There are approximately 7.8 billion people in the world: 5.96 million have died. That is 0.08%. In America there...