Aug 4, 2021 | Ethics, Politics
Remember when we were told 18 months ago that we needed a lockdown to flatten the curve for fear the medical establishment would be overwhelmed? And remember we were just told we must take the vaccine or the medical establishment would be overwhelmed? This is the...
Jul 29, 2021 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
“The hatred of people who aren’t like you, the idea that something will be solved if only such people can be made to disappear – this sometimes start with Jews but tends not to end there.” Matti Friedman Spied of No Country The Nazis were able to segregate the...
Jul 21, 2021 | Ethics, Politics
Has the sun set on the West? It seems so. When faced with a pandemic in the 21st century, we folded like a cheap tent and a house of cards. Here is a speech Xi Jinping, who took office in March 2013 and now is President for life, did not give before the...
Jul 7, 2021 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
Did the esteemed Irwin Cotler fall to cancel culture and bend the knee to the #IslamphobiaIndustry? Islamophobia is defined as the irrational fear of Islam. There is a world-wide industry; the #IslamophobiaIndustry, that wants to silence all negative...